Thursday, February 21, 2008

Poison Ivy in the Fall

Someone I know identified this plant growing near (but not on) our property as poison ivy. The tree that it its using for support is taller than a two story house. The vine itself has grown up to about two thirds of the height of the tree.

The pictures were taken in fall, before the plant dropped its leaves, which scattered everywhere.

Unfortunately, the vine grows in somebody's front yard, near the street, where the leaves fall all over the sidewalk.


kt said...

A vine of that size and maturity will drop seeds (that are produced by early June in the North East) as well as a VAST underground root system. You need to take agrssive action if you don't want to be dealing with this on your property. Best of luck. Katy

Aiyana said...

Thanks for the link to my blog. I really like the way you've set up your blog--the Garden Profile is a great idea. This is the first time I've seen this done. I also like your Frequently Searched Plants on This Blog. I've thought of doing this--there are about 9 posts on plants on my blog that are searched for over and over. Would you mind if I used a couple of your blog template ideas? I'm glad I found your blog. I'm sure I'll enjoy visiting!

Christina said...


Thanks. Unfortunately, the person on whose property this vine is growing is not approaching the matter with any alacrity.

No Rain--Feel free to borrow any template ideas. Most of the widgets I have here I obtained from sites that offer such things to bloggers. Glad you enjoyed your visit!

Anonymous said...

This is so cool! I am originally a Michigan native until I was 3 then lived in CA till I was 28. Getting used to the Houston area was a trip for me and I'm still working through my fear of the big bugs down here. I saw some ivy looking shoots in my backyard so referred to your photos for help. I'll keep watching them to see if they are actually poison ivy though...

Christina said...

Yes, the bugs take some getting used to.

So do the snakes. I haven't seen any yet, except a harmless rough earth snake I dug up once (not so scary) but even the idea of finding a cottonmouth or a copperhead in my flower garden is rather intimidating.

In CA we mostly had to worry about rattlesnakes. Those, at least, have a way of giving fair warning.

There are plenty of viney native things that grow around here. I hope you are able to identify your mystery weed before it gets to the size of this monstrosity. The person it belongs to recently tried to kill it by cutting it off just above the ground. The top part of the plant died, but it is now sporouting back from the roots.
