Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Fire ant First Aid

As I had my third encounter with fire ants yesterday, I have been doing a little reading about how to treat these stings.

Here is a useful page on the subject.
And another one with recommendations for bites on children.

For relief of the skin irritation, the most common solutions I have seen, after the wounds have been cleaned and disinfected, are itch creams such as hydrocortizone cream, as well as witch hazel. Oral antihistamines can be helpful as well. I have also seen products at the drugstore labled specifically for use on fire ant stings, but I have not tried them yet, myself.

Some websites also suggest elevating the stung body part as a component of first aid treatment, to help minimize the initial swelling.

As always, severe allergic reactions should be treated in the emergency room.

And when in doubt, see a doctor.

1 comment:

Ros Horton said...

Sorry to intrude on your blog. I stumbled on to it and thought you should know there's something else out there. Check out fireantfirstaid.com. Eventually I'll make to some Texas trade shows but right now I'm limited to internet and the occasional one on one contact. Blessings,