Friday, June 29, 2007

Silk Tree (Albizia julibrissin) a.k.a. "Mimosa"

I have been seeing these all over the place and wondering what they are. Now I know, thanks to a picture of one I found in a book. And I want one!

Unfortunately, they set seed, and are considered invasive in places like Texas, so I will have to consider that before I do anything drastic. Like planting one. It may be worth it though, for a pretty tree. :)

For more on this plant see the following:
Duke University
USDA profile for this plant.

I have also seen them growing happily in Southern California.


DJ Radikal said...

If you want something better that looks like the mimosa and is not considered an "invasive" plant you should get the "Tepeguaje" tree aka Great Lead Tree. They look similar and produce the same button like flowers and can tolerate extreme heat and cold weather, should get one :)

The Backyard Gardener said...

Albizia Julibrissin trees are fantastic although I do understand they grow extremely quickly and seed like crazy in Southern states in the US. We don't have that problem here in our Northern area though. However the Stink tree aka Tree of Heaven, Ailanthus altissima trees are a huge problem for us though.

The Tepeguaje tree sounds interesting but there's not much information about them. Do they attract hummingbirds too?