Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Do it yourself Rain Barrels?

It's getting tempting...

I have looked around for ideas for a do it yourself rain chain as well, but unfortunately tools I do not have, and some I'm not even sure I should use (blowtorch, anyone?) are usually involved. Rats. Gotta keep looking.


Aiyana said...

Do it yourself is too hard. Buy one from Front Gate. However, Front Gate is overpriced. Maybe Ebay. Save yourself some work!

Anonymous said...

Kinda - DIY - get a Complete Kit from http://www.aquabarrel.com - you get to put the parts into the pre-drilled holes on the plastic barrel. Saved us from having to buy tools to make the holes. I bit the bullet and got the package that had all the other hoses too. Just made it so simple to have it all show up at one time. all we had to go get was a few cinder blocks from behind the shed and used a hack saw to cut the downspout. It really was that easy!