Thursday, December 13, 2007

If you are a dill lover...

...and you aren't planning to do so already, you might want to think about planting some dill seeds next fall.

A friend was recently telling me how she'd love to grow dill in her little containerized herb garden. Naturally, this made me curious, so I had to look it up.

According to the books I have looked in, the best time to plant dill seeds in the Houston area is from late August through the end of October. If I were to guess, that probably means that you might still be able to find dill plants at a local nursery or feed store (some feed stores sell plants--who knew?) in November and maybe December , if seeds aren't your thing.

I wouldn't try any national chains if you are trying to find something out of the "typical" season. (Just try to find strawberries at Home Depot in November. Ha!).

Oh yes, and Dill can get up to 4 feet tall if placed in good soil and full sun. :)


sootfoot5 said...

has anyone tried growing dill with their roses? I have a small rose garden, and I'm considering trying it. Dill is so pretty, and it is quite good at drawing the beneficial insects that keep the aphids away. Yes, I realize it sounds strange to grow dill with roses - that's why I'm asking if anyone else has every pickled their roses, so to speak!

Christina said...

I haven't tried it myself. It certainly sounds like a worthwhile experiment.

There is a discussion on herbs and roses over at Garden Web.

I have also heard that strawberries, chives, garlic, parsley, rue, santolina, and catnip make good companion plants for roses. Here is a website on companion herb planting.

A google search for "companion herbs for roses" yields some interesting results.

Good luck!