Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Stinging Caterpillars

I've been getting more hits from people looking for "poisonous caterpillars". Hopefully, they're looking for information before they encounter them.

If you think you have had contact with a venomous insect or animal, it is best to do first aid and seek prompt advice from a competent medical professional.

If you want to know what these things look like before you have a close encounter, the web is probably the place for you.

Here are some useful links with information on caterpillar hazards:

Stinging Caterpillars--Bexar County Extension (TX)
Stinging Caterpillars found on Alabama Trees
Texas Entomology--Stinging Caterpillars of Texas (Useful link list)
Stinging and Venomous Caterpillars (University of Florida Extension)
Take care around stinging caterpillars (Houston Chronicle)

Google search for "stinging caterpillars"

For first aid after a sting, this University of Oklahoma site and this University of Kentucky site have brief recommendations. When in doubt, seek qualified medical advice.

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