Sunday, July 29, 2007

Spiders are fine, but don't touch the caterpillars!

Speaking of Brazos Bend, here's another inhabitant of that particular area--the Golden Silk Spider. Harmless, but not altogether friendly-looking:

(Photo by Aaron.)

By contrast, there's a cute, fuzzy-looking variety of caterpillar out here that I have never personally encountered, which goes by the ominous nickname of "asp". It is so named because its "fuzz" is actually a collection of venomous spines. A close personal encounter with this little guy has the potential to send you to the emergency room.

The South is also home to other varieties of venomous caterpillars.

Being from a region where fuzzy caterpillars provide children with endless entertainment, this is all very strange to me. My rule of thumb while I'm still fairly new out here is not to touch any strange animals until I know exactly what they are. :)


herself said...

Aren't they cool!

We've been seeing them every where lately. Down at Brazo's Bend there were clusters of them with a dozen or so webs all with in a foot of each other.

Christina said...

I have seen that particular sight. :) I think the last time I witnessed it, there must have been multiple dozens where I was looking, right over a footpath. I was quite relieved to find out they were not dangerous.